How Long Does A Golf Cart Take To Charge?

by BogeyBreakingGolf

Golf cart batteries can take anywhere from as little as 3 hours all the way up to 15 hours depending on a range of factors. 

But what are these factors?

Throughout this post, you will find out what you need to do to get quicker charging times, how you can get the most from your batteries, and how long it actually takes to charge a golf cart.

What Things Will Affect Your Golf Battery’s Charge Time?

How Old Is The Golf Battery Is?

Over time, a golf battery’s performance will gradually worsen. 

So you would like the think a brand-new golf cart battery should perform better than a battery that is 5 years older. 

However, when you charge a new battery it may not charge as fast as one that has been used countless times over the years.

The reason for this comes down to the battery’s energy storage in simple terms. Newer batteries can hold onto tonnes of charge and the older the battery gets the less charge it can hold.

Meaning an older battery may have the same charge time or even a bit faster than a new battery because there is less of it to charge.

For example, you have two buckets being filled by an identical hose. One bucket has been used for a while now and has collected dirt at the end of the bucket taking up some of the space.

The other bucket is brand new. The bucket with the dirt at the bottom will overflow quicker than the new bucket because there is less space to fill.

What Kind Of Golf Cart Chargers Are You Using?

The quality of your golf cart charger is important to speed up the charging process.

Golf cart manufacturers very rarely will provide you with a lightning-speed battery chargers as they cost money and if they give you one well… you won’t buy one of them in the future!

Stock golf cart chargers will charge your golf cart far slower than a new quick-charge model.

It’s important to also consider which golf cart battery charger will work best with your batteries. Unsure of what one to get? It’s as simple as typing your golf cart model into Google and searching online.

For example “ Best charger for (Golf Cart Battery Model) “, that easy.

Is Your Battery In Good Condition?

This one is a no-brainer really, golf batteries that are in terrible condition will not perform as well as batteries that are.

For example, if the terminals of your golf cart battery are damaged or filthy then they aren’t going to transfer the Volts from your charger to the battery as efficiently.

This is why it’s important you routinely check your batteries for faulty/damaged parts like loose wires, parts with bad corrosion, or any nuts and bolts that have come loose.

What Is The Temperature Where You Charge Your Battery?

Where you charge your batteries can have a massive impact on how quickly or slowly they charge.

When charging batteries you want them to be in a cool and sheltered place for the best charging times and improve overall longevity.

Batteries do not charge well in either hot or cold conditions. 

Exposure to hot or cold temperatures during the charging process over time will result in your battery becoming damaged which means slower and slower charging times.

This is you must find a good place to charge them.

How The Cold Slows Your Battery Charging

Charging your battery somewhere particularly cold affects the charge times by slowing down the chemical reactions inside the battery.

When these reactions slow down it makes it more harder for the battery to take charge for your charger. 

Over time this won’t just slow down your charge times but will reduce the amount of charge it can take eventually.

If you’re unlucky enough to live someplace the temperature can get down to freezing it’s even more important to find a good charging place. 

Especially if you’re using a lead-based battery. In these batteries there is a solution that under extremely cold temperatures can begin to solidify which can cause permanent damage.

How The Heat Slows Your Battery Charging

I think most people know that over heating any battery is a bad idea and is asking for trouble. 

Some golfers think because it’s a big battery the same rule doesn’t apply but it does.

When a golf cart battery begins to overheat water inside the battery begins to evaporate and the rates of self discharge increases.

Not only that but if there is any corrosion forming on the battery already, it will begin to grow at a faster rate. All of these things both slow down how fast the battery charges and decrease their overall lifespan.

And although some charges come with temperature compensation features that help mitigate or reduce the affect extreme heat has on batteries, you should just find somewhere cool to charge it.

How Much Charge Is Left In Your Battery? ( Discharge Level )

Depending on how much of the battery power you have used will play a part in how long it takes to charge fully. 

The lower the discharge is in the battery the longer it will take. For example, a golf cart battery that is below 50% charge or completely dead can take between 8-14 hours to charge fully again.

This obviously depends on a range of other factors like the condition of the battery and charger being used but basically the lower the battery the longer it takes.

Meaning it would be beneficial to you if you charged your golf cart after every time you use it on the golf course as this will give you the quickest charging times.

What Battery Voltage Is Your Electric Golf Cart Battery?

You should check to see if your golf cart batteries are 36V or 48V as you will need a charger that will match up to your battery for the best and quickest charge times.

Using a 36V charger on a 48V golf cart will take much longer and potentially harm your batteries in the long term.

Finding out which one you need is relatively easy too. Once you know your model number you can either check it online or ask the dealer you purchased it from.

How Long Does It Take To Charge A 36 Volt Golf Cart Battery?

To fully charge a 38V golf cart battery assuming you’re using the correct 38v charger it should take around 8-10 hours. 

Depending on a range of factors like the ones discussed throughout this post the charge time could increase or decrease.

How Long Does It Take To Charge A 48 Volt Golf Cart Battery?

To fully charge a 48V golf cart battery assuming you’re using the correct 48v charger it should take around 6-8 hours.

Depending on a range of factors like the ones discussed throughout this post the charge time could increase or decrease.

Is Your Golf Carts Battery Lithium?

Lithium ion batteries are avoided by many golfers who are shopping for new batteries for their golf carts because of the expensive price tag when compared to traditional lead acid batteries.

These batteries will cost you an extra couple of bucks but their charging times are unbelievably quick. 

To fully charge a lithium golf cart battery you could be looking at as little as 2-3 hours of charging.

It all comes down to what you value more. If you don’t mind waiting a few more hours to charge your batteries then maybe a lithium battery isn’t for you…

How Long Should Fully Charged Golf Carts Run For?

There are too many factors to give you a 100% accurate estimation but fully charged golf carts can last you anywhere from 10-20 miles of travel.

Obviously, the better quality of the golf cart, golf cart batteries, the terrain your driving on, and how you’re driving will determine what end of the scale you’re closer to.

Tips That Will Save Your Battery From Death And Keep It Charging Fast

The best way to ensure you keep getting fast charging times is to look after your battery.

Below is a list of things you should do to extend your battery life and performance.

    • Avoid Using Water From A Tap or Hose
    • Help Your Golf Cart Batteries Cool While They Charge
    • Use A Good Quality Charger
    • Store Your Golf Cart Batteries Properly
    • Maintain Fluid Levels
    • Buy High-Quality Golf Cart Batteries
    • Use Ant Corrosion Lubricants
    • Regular & Proper Maintenance

    Want to know more about the importance of each of these steps and find out the things you’re doing that are shortening your battery’s life span?

    Then you should definitely check out the below posts:

    Top 7 Golf Carts Of 2024

    How Long Does A Golf Cart Battery Last? Expert Tips And Insights

    What To Look For When Buying A Used Golf Cart

    Why Are Golf Carts So Expensive?

    How Heavy Are Golf Carts?

    Which Is Faster, Gas Or Electric Golf Carts?

    How To Start And Reverse Your Golf Cart

    How To Make An Electric Golf Cart Faster (5 Quick And Easy Tips)

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