What To Do With Old Golf Balls

by BogeyBreakingGolf

Old golf balls you find on the course or just pile up in your house don’t have to end up in the trash or forgotten. 

There are plenty of ways to give these golf balls new life and even make yourself some extra cash.

In this article, I will share with you in total 7 ways you can solve your golf ball issue, all of which take little to no effort on your part and are easily done.

Lets get into it!

Can You Recycle Golf Balls Or Not?

So are golf balls recyclable?

The short answer is no recycling golf balls is not a thing… and there are no such things as biodegradable golf balls either.

Golf balls can not be recycled for a whole range of factors including the multiple materials used in one golf ball and the different materials used by different brands make it impossible to find a universal solution.

The only way would be to cut open and extract all the materials which would take a huge amount of time and even then some of the materials would be of no use.

But just because you can’t recycle golf balls doesn’t mean you have to throw them in the trash or let them overrun your home.

Can Old Golf Balls Be Harmful To The Environment

Golf ball sitting is a small body of water surrounded by grass

You probably haven’t seen international campaigns warning people about the damage golf balls can have on the environment but they do.

Golf balls take anywhere from 400-1000 years to fully break down and return to the environment. How long it takes to break down depends on how soft or hard the golf ball is.

Once they start to break down they will release toxins from the materials and coatings of the ball back into the environment.

These toxins are capable of harming wildlife and their surroundings.

When you stop to think for a minute or two and try to imagine how many golf balls or even Breakfast Balls are lost at the bottom of a lake, or ocean, in ditches and trees around the world’s golf courses it becomes a little more serious.

This is why it’s worth finding a solution to the problem… maybe not slicing a golf ball into the trees could be a start but one problem at a time!

What To Do With Old Golf Balls

Below you will find 4 fantastic solutions to your old golf ball problem. All are easy to do and require very little effort to follow through on.


Refurbish Golf Balls & Sell Them

Golf ball with a dollar printed on it about to be hit by a club

Taking your old golf balls and selling them to another golfer or business will mean there will be fewer golf balls in landfills and a lot more dollars in your wallet.

There are two ways you can go about getting rid of your old golf balls and making some extra dough.

The first way which will probably be the easiest of the two would be to clean them yourself and sell them golf balls online or down your local golf course. As long as they are in decent condition you shouldn’t have any issue getting rid of them.

I personally know a gentleman at my golf club who sells three bags of golf balls to other members every week before his round. He probably pays half his membership from his old balls!

The second way would be to sell them to a business that collects golf balls in bulk, clean them, sand them and grade them. The end result is a practically new golf ball.

A lot of these places will collect the golf balls from you or cover shipping costs… if you have enough.

Some of the resellers only buy golf balls if you have a minimum of 100 or more.

But if you have enough of them and want to be rid of them quickly then this is the fastest way to get rid of them all and get paid for it quickly.

How Much Are Old Golf Balls Worth

Old golf balls and what they’re worth depends on a range of factors. 

These factors include things like what conditions are they in, whether are there any cracks, what brand of the golf ball is, and who it is you’re selling to.

Having 20 really good golf balls and selling them to someone yourself could earn you anywhere from $10-$30 depending on the brand.

On the flip side, you could have 100 crap golf balls and get the same amount of money so it all depends.

Give Them A Good Clean And Reuse Them

Recently cleaned golf ball being used and just about to go into the hole

This option would probably be the best for most golfers. Getting the extra money from selling golf balls is great if you have enough balls and you don’t tend to lose them either.

For most amateur golfers it doesn’t make a ton of sense to sell their golf balls if they are just going to spend that money on getting more golf balls.

Giving them a really good clean removing any dirt and seeing them in their natural white color might change your mind if you are planning to get rid of them.

Obviously, if they are damaged then you won’t use them on the course but they can still be saved from the garbage…

Having clean balls or clubs should be standard anyways but if you need help check out the following article for tips.

How To Clean Golf Clubs


Keep Old/Broken Golf Balls For Practice Nets

Old golf balls that have been damaged to the point they would negatively affect your game if you used them on the golf course can still benefit you.

Most golf courses have practice nets or cages that you can use to warm up before a round.

It would make no sense to use your good white golf balls in these nets because they would pick up a little wear and tear over time. 

This is where your old broken golf balls come into play. You can use them on these nets because you don’t have to worry about ball flight its about connecting with the ball.

By doing this you keep your good balls in perfect condition for the golf course and extend the life cycle of your old golf balls.

Give Them Away For Free

Golf balls in the shape of a heart laying on green grass

Last but not least if you’re feeling generous you can always donate your old golf balls to those in need.

Who are those in need?

The majority of golf clubs will have a junior golf program or membership where young kids are taught how to play golf. 

I don’t know about you but when I was younger I lost a ton of golf balls and never had enough money to buy new ones… I mean I was a kid!

By making a few quick calls around your location and finding out what golf clubs have these kinds of programs for children. Then it’s as simple as bagging them up and dropping them off.

Essentially fueling the next generation of golfers.

Creative Things You Can Do With Your Old Golf Balls

Below are 3 practical uses for golf balls that will keep them out of the dump and benefit your life in some way!

Use Them As Massage Balls

Before using an old golf ball on your body make sure to give it a good clean as they have probably been places you couldn’t even imagine.

Golf balls are small so they are perfect for body parts that a standard foam roller can’t really get to like the bottom of your feet or your neck.

You don’t need to be a professional to get a good foot massage just stand on the golf ball and roll it around for a while.

Use Them As Christmas Ornaments

Christmas golf ball decorations

For the more creative people out there you can turn these balls into Christmas tree ornaments for the festive season. Maybe a golf ball snowman or a golf ball decoration you can hang from your tree.

All you need is some glue, some string, some old balls, and some … imagination!

Use Them To Tenderize Meat

Tenderizing a nice steak can be done with a range of objects and a golf ball is one of them. All you have to do is roll it around with a bit of pressure and you’ll have a perfectly tenderized steak in minutes.


Enjoyed this article? Check out this one and find out What Do The Numbers On Golf Balls Mean and can they improve your game.

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